Meet the Beryl Bike

A green bike for greener cities

We’ve designed our Beryl Bike from the ground up to be safe, reliable and above all, fun. We’re a team that’s crazy about cycling and we’ve poured all our experience, expertise and passion into getting the bike on the street. Here are the key features you’ll find when you hop a Beryl Bike.

Take a seat

After lots of testing, we’ve chosen a comfy saddle to suit all kinds of riders. To change the saddle height, open the lever fully. Then pull the seat post up or push it down as required. Don’t be scared to wiggle it a little if necessary. Once you have the seat at the right height, simply close the lever again and the seat will be held in place.

We’ve included a scale on the seat post, so once you’ve found your perfect fit, keep note for the next time you ride. Our bike is designed to comfortably fit riders from 4'11" to 6'5".

To adjust the seat height, open the lever fully and wiggle the seat up or down to the right height.

Three gears for city riding

The Beryl Bikes come equipped with three gears. The lowest gear will let you get up any hilly sections without too much puffing. The top gear lets you get some speed up when you’re on the flat or heading downhill. And the second gear is right in the middle.

To change the gears, use the gear shifter on the right hand handlebar. Twist it away from you to go up a gear, and twist it towards you to do down a gear. Our hub gears have been chosen for their durability and reliability, but they may work differently to the gears on your own bike. When you are shifting gears, pause briefly to allow the change and then continue pedalling.

Three gears will help you on your way, whether you're going up hill or down.

Time to stop

When you’re riding, stopping is just as important as going. As with all bikes in the UK, the back brake is on the left hand side and the front brake is on the right. Use both brakes smoothly together to slow down or come to a complete stop.

Back brake on the left hand side

Ring your bell

The sound of bicycle bell makes us think of summer. You’ll find the bell on the left hand handlebar. Twist it to hear it ring.

Use the bell when you need to let people know you’re coming, especially if you’re on a shared path with pedestrians such as a promenade or canal towpath. Pedestrians will appreciate it if you give them some advance warning that you’re coming.

Lighting up your ride

Our bikes come with all the lights integrated so you never have to think about taking them with you or keeping them charged.

At the front, you’ll see the white LED light combined with our signature green Laserlight projection which comes on at night. This shines a green bike symbol five metres ahead of the bike to warn other road users or pedestrians of your presence and keeps you safer, especially when you’re in the driver's blindspot.

On the back is our red brake light. This shines steadily as you pedal. It’s connected to the back wheel and when it detects you’re braking, it shines brighter to communicate your movements to people behind you. Just like a car’s brake lights!

All our lights work with a dynamo and will come on automatically when you start pedalling. They’re also programmed to remain on for four minutes once you’ve come to a stop, so you’ll remain visible even if you’re waiting at a junction or traffic lights.

The front and rear lights come on automatically when you start pedalling.


Nice plump tires with anti-puncture technology will keep you nimble as you navigate the streets and will tackle any lumps and bumps on the road with ease.

Fill the basket

Been shopping or heading for a picnic? Strap your bags to our basket and off you go. Our basket can carry up to 10kg and has elastic bungee cords to securely fasten your things as you ride.

Remember to take everything with you once you’ve parked!

Fix your items in the basket with the bungee chords

Our team of mechanics carries out a regular schedule of maintenance on all our bikes to make sure they're in peak condition for riding. If you ride a bike which has any faults or damage, please report through the in-app chat so our team can get it fixed and back on the street as soon as possible.