Privacy Policy - Beryl Lights


  1. Introduction
  2. Who is Beryl?
  3. How do we collect information?
  4. The information we collect
  5. How we use your information
  6. Disclosure of information
  7. Retention of information
  8. Communication preferences
  9. Accessing your information
  10. Payment processing details
  11. Customers under 16 years of age
  12. EU customers: storage of information
  13. Changes to this policy


Beryl is a company committed to respecting your privacy and protecting any information you share with us.

We have created this document to clearly explain to you when and why we collect personal information, how we use it, how we ensure it stays secure, and the specific occasions when we may need to disclose it to another party.

This policy will be updated any time our privacy policy changes, as we strive to ensure we are compliant with regulatory changes and requests or feedback from our customers.

It’s important to note that by using our website, you are agreeing to the policy we lay out here. Please take the time to read through this policy to make sure you’re happy with the most up to date version.

If you have any questions regarding this policy or our privacy practices, please contact us by email via or by writing to Beryl HQ, The Green House, 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road, London, E2 9DA.

Alternatively, you can call us at 0203 3003 5044.

Who is Beryl?:

Beryl is an urban cycling company, creating innovative products with technology and design at their core. Beryl is the trading name of SMIDSY Ltd, a limited company (no. 07831245). Our registered address is Beryl HQ, The Green House, 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road, London, E2 9DA.

How do we collect information?:

When you navigate our website, when you sign up to our newsletter and when you purchase a product from Beryl, we obtain information about you.

The information we collect:

At Beryl, we only collect the necessary data required to fulfil our role as a retail service.

This is outlined below:

1. Interactions on our website

Our web site uses the Google Analytics website analytics service.

We collect information about pages visited, interactions (clicks and scrolls) on the page, and actions taken (e.g. email submitted to mailing list, product purchased).

The information collected does not include bank details or any sensitive personal data such as name or address.

All the information collected is used to improve our website usability and is collected anonymously. Any information that is stored is used for aggregated and statistical reporting.

2. Mailing list sign-up

We collect emails to provide our customers and potential customers with interesting content related to urban cycling, and updates on our company, products and price promotions. We collect emails using the third party tool Klaviyo, and use this company to deliver the emails to your inbox.

Klaviyo specialises in the secure online capture of email addresses and delivery of email marketing.

3. Purchasing

The personal information we are required to collect when you order a product from us includes your name, address and email address.

Beryl does not have access to or hold your payment or card details as these are all held securely by our chosen payment providers, Stripe and PayPal. These companies specialise in the secure online capture and processing of credit/debit card transactions.

4. Use of Cookies

Like many websites, the website has cookies enabled. A cookie is a small text file created by a website that is stored in the browser’s computer, either temporarily for the single session, or permanently on the hard disk (a persistent cookie).

Cookies allow the website to collect data on your browsing (what actions you take, what patterns of browsing occur) at an aggregate level, and never identify you as an individual user.

The reason for using cookies is that they provide Beryl with the capability to personalise and optimise the website. For example, we can use a persistent cookie to store your country preference, and ensure you are served the relevant country if you return to our site.

You will be asked if you agree to our cookie policy when you visit the site. You are also able to switch off or remove cookies by accessing your browser preferences. Bear in mind that turning off cookies can impact the functionality of a website.

For more detail, please read our full cookie policy.

How we use your information:

We have specific processes and guidelines in place to ensure any data we collect is used appropriately. The main uses for the information you provide is as follows:

  1. Browsing interaction data is used to improve the performance of our site and influences our website design
  2. Emails entered for mailing lists are used for Beryl proprietary emails, and are never sold to other third parties. These emails will cover company news, product launches, urban cycling and living content, price promotions. From time to time we may also seek your views on our products through a survey. We may also use your email to deliver personalised advertising messages to you via the social media platforms that you use.
  3. Personal information entered for checkout is used to process and fulfil your order.
  4. Personal information provided by those interested in careers at Beryl will be used to process and consider your application

Retention of your information

It is important to us that we do not retain information for unnecessarily long periods of time, so we review our standard retention periods for personal information on a regular basis.

We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as it is necessary for the level of marketing activity you have consented to when you join our mailing list or purchase a product from us.

Disclosure of information:

Only authorised employees of Beryl or select third party service providers or contractors working on our behalf have access to the information we store.

When working with third party suppliers or contractors, we ensure that this access is always limited to exactly what is necessary for the task being completed, and revoked when the contract ends. Additionally, we ensure we have contractual obligations from the third party or contractor that requires them to keep your information secure and to never use it for purposes other than directed by Beryl, and listed in this document.

We would never sell or rent your information to third parties, and we will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.

Your communications preferences.

We would love to stay in touch with you, but we completely understand if you do not want to receive communications from us via email. You are able to select your choices for communication when you sign up to our mailing list or purchase a product from us.

We always offer an unsubscribe option at the bottom of every email you receive from us, where you’re welcome to change your email preferences.

If you have any questions about any content you are receiving from Beryl, do not hesitate to get in touch at

Accessing your information

You have the right to full visibility as to how your data is being used and processed by Beryl.

If you want access to this, get in touch with us at and we can provide you with the following:

  1. A copy of the personal data we hold about you
  2. The purpose for processing it (e.g. to fulfil an order)
  3. The employees or third parties who have had access to the data
  4. Where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored. If not possible, we will provide you with a copy of our data retention policy.

This will be provided via email, unless otherwise requested and agreed. We will charge an administrative fee of £10 for requests that are not made electronically.

Payment processing details

Any sensitive information, such as credit or debit card details, is encrypted and protected by 128 bit encryption on SSL. This means that when the information is transmitted over the internet, it is done so securely and with minimal risk of compromise. When you are on a secure page, you will see the lock icon and “Secure” appear in the URL bar at the top of the page in your browser.

We endeavour to keep your information as secure as possible. We do this through carefully selecting third party systems and providers with excellent reputations for security management.

Beryl customers under 16 years of age

If you are under 16 but are interested in Beryl products or emails, please seek the permission of a parent or guardian before you sign up to our newsletter or purchase a product from our site.

EU customers: storage of information

We uphold the EU data protection requirements (GDPR) and keep any personal information generated by EU citizens within EU borders or in countries with comparable data protection standards, as per the EU GDPR guidelines.

By submitting your personal data, you’re agreeing to our policy for transferring, storing and processing personal data. In the case that data transfer outside the EU is required, appropriate safeguards will be put in place as detailed here

Changes to this policy

We keep this Policy under regular review. This Policy was last updated in December 2019.