Say Hello to Beryl E-Scooters, Isle of Wight

Beryl E-Scooters Arrive On Isle of Wight With Free Trips For NHS Staff

We're providing free journeys to NHS staff as our e-Scooters arrive in Newport

COVID-19 continues to impact on the way we live, work and travel in the UK, and we want to make sure that those who are working to protect us are able to travel to and from work safely.

To support our NHS workers, we're temporarily making the Beryl e-Scooter free for NHS staff.

Read how to access Beryl e-Scooters for free if you work for the NHS.

Beryl e-Scooters are available to hire and drop off at marked Beryl Bays in Newport, and additional e-Scooters will be added as we expand the service area across Cowes and Ryde in the coming weeks.

The scooters must be parked in a network of specially marked Beryl Bays that can be found on the in-app map and located with painted bays on the street.

Read about Beryl Bays here

During the trial period, anyone wishing to hire a Beryl e-scooter will need to provide a valid UK Driving License before they can ride. All of our e-scooters have a top speed of 12.5mph and can be restricted where lower speeds are deemed necessary. 

Read about adding your driving license here

To begin a trip with a Beryl e-Scooter, just follow the simple in-App directions that will unlock the scooter. At the end of your ride, you can lock the scooter via the app and a chime from the scooter will register that it is locked. Any Beryl e-Scooter available to hire is visible both on street and in the app, with Beryl Bays and the Isle of Wight operating zone also shown in the app. 

E-Scooters will be available to hire through two payment choices of Pay-As-You-Ride (£1.50 unlock fee + 10p per minute) or Minute Bundles (£1.50 unlock fee and bundles priced at 5 p per minute; 100 minutes for £5, 200 minutes for £10, 300 minutes for £15).

If you park a Beryl e-Scooter outside of a Beryl Bay you will be charged a £10 convenience fee, while anyone that locks a Beryl e-Scooter outside of the Isle of Wight’s operating zone will be charged £25. This fee covers operational costs associated with returning vehicles back to a bay for others to ride.

Read more about riding the Beryl e-Scooters on the isle of Wight here