Beryl Laserlight launches in Scotland

Hello Glasgow!

This week, nextbike has launched the Beryl Laserlight technology on 350 bikes in the bike share scheme in Glasgow, Scotland. Glasgow is a city with 300 km of cycle paths, and around 7,000 people cycling to work every day, come rain or shine. Like many UK cities, there was a push to adapt the streets for cars in the 1960s, but the city is now taking a critical look at the provisions for cyclists and other active forms of transport.

The Scottish government has a vision of achieving 10% of everyday journeys to be made by bike by 2020 , which is a challenge given that the current cycling levels for the entire country hover around 2%.

However, there has been £15m spent on cycling infrastructure since 2008, including the South West City Way. This is a 2km segregated cycle route running north-south from the city centre of Glasgow. The results have been promising; the city has seen a 73% increase in cycle trips into and out of the city over the period 2009 to 2017.

We are really excited to be collaborating with nextbike to deliver the Laserlight across their fleet of bikes. Our mission is to get more people cycling in cities, so partnering with forward-thinking and safety-conscious bike share providers like nextbike is another step closer to achieving this.

If you’re part of the Beryl community and live and cycle in Glasgow, we’d love to hear from you when the Laserlight bikes hit the street. Send us your pictures via Twitter or email.

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