e-Scooter skills

New in-person training launched

We're excited to announce the first in-person e-Scooter skills training programme to promote practical skills and road safety for e-Scooter riders.

Since the Department for Transport’s e-Scooter trial began in July 2020, it’s estimated over two million journeys have been taken via e-Scooter sharing fleets. The vehicles have provided essential workers with safe and sustainable travel during the COVID-19 pandemic and research shows they are replacing short car journeys, which can drastically reduce personal carbon emissions.

Practical skills and road safety education

Our new e-Scooter skills training programme; designed with Bikeworks and supported by the Bikeability Trust, provides practical training sessions to ensure riders are sufficiently educated and skilled to use e-Scooters.

We worked closely with Bikeworks to create an e-Scooter equivalent of the National Standard for Cycle Training. The e-Scooter skills training programme will educate users on riding technique, general behaviour, compliance with the Highway Code and how to minimise risks whilst riding. Bikeability’s quality assurance system means the programme will be delivered to the highest standard.

Skill-up in Bournemouth

The in-person training programme is delivered by trained Bikeability instructors and is initially, being rolled out in Bournemouth in partnership with the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council to post-16 education providers.

All participants will receive complimentary e-Scooters for the training sessions, plus access to 100 free minutes.